Domain Registration in Lahore


In the modern world, everyone wants to spread his business via the latest technology. Similarly, Every Second business person needs to communicate with customers except physical deal. To fulfill that requirement, web service is the best solution for spreading your business. In web service, you can make your own website and show this to everyone through the domain name and hosting channel. In Lahore, we are dealing with domain registration that you can buy and avail easily in an efficient way. There are many domains that you can avail of with an easy approach with us in Lahore. You will find better Domain Registration in Lahore.

  • PKNIC Authority
  • Our Registration
  • Procedures
  • Domain Importance
  • PKNIC Prepaid Cards
  • Conclusion

PKNIC Domain Authority

PKNIC provides domain names in the.PK ccTLD (country code Top Level Domain) namespace. There are many domains that is registered through PKNIC registry that domain is .pk,, ,,,,, as well as the various government only subdomains like etc. That all types of domain registered through the pk registry and we are a top reseller of PKNIC authority for the domain registration. All domain which is based on .pk name that all are we can be registered for you by PKNIC authority.

Other Domains with us

All Lahore based customers can easily get their desired own domain with an easy approach. Our Customer care services 24*7 is available for all Lahore. If you want any other domain whether it’s based on Pakistan or another country, we will register your desired domain with a fully described channel through our Lahore located Company and with easy Online panel.

Procedure to get Registered

We have created the best and easy website panel for registering your selected domain. You just need to go to our Official website page and then select your desired domain name and search it to whois panel that is already appeared on our site. If your domain will available so then you will continue it to another option that is “BUY” and after that, you will create an invoice and we will receive your selected domain registration request with the generated invoice. After receiving invoice payment and confirmation we will allow you to use your domain for further Hosting adaptability. Similarly, We are also dealing with the best features of the web hosting with the latest and ultra-high functionalities.

Domain Importance

A domain name can be used to instantly speak to your brand, letting the customers know who you are and what you are selling. A relevant domain name can help key your customers in on your product, or a unique domain name can create a link that associates your name with your product. Our Company is dealing in that domain registration, that manages the reservation of internet domain names in perfect manners. That is accredited by a generic top-level domain registry and a country code top-level domain registry. We are Operating our services in accordance with domain names registry with a Country-level domain.


In Lahore, we are dealing with PKNIC cards for the renewal of your .pk domain for 2 years. The prepaid cards of PKNIC are sold by separate retailers of PKNIC. They are available in the form of a card with scratch code. You can add the domain credit to your Rupees account balance using prepaid card codes that based on (ten to twelve digits). It can be a secure purchase and scratched for your entire PKNIC domain requirement. Each card is suitable for registration and renovation of any PKNIC domain name for 2 years. We are dealing with this card in good manners.


Consequently, domain registration is the best way to enter the web environment. Similarly, Every website needs to get a domain name with its prospective. A domain name provides the first way to promote your business view. With a domain name, everyone can easily avail of better interest regarding his business. Furthermore, If a domain name is relevant to your business strategy so you can get a good interest in peoples that are associate with your business and interest.

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