Domain Name Registration Pakistan

Domain registration Pakistan

Starting for a new web-based online business the first thing is to select your business name. Likewise, the enrollment of this kind of business into the internet, you need to select and buy your desired name. This is the address of your website that associated with different and unique IP addresses that IP addresses associated with worldwide DNS. Anyone can easily avail Domain Registration Pakistan facility with easy method and cheap cost. A URL is a very first thing a prospective customer will see and is their initial interaction with your brand. After getting your address you can maintain your site with that selected name. Together with your web name, you can post and upload your site with Pakistan web hosting services and can run your site all around the world. 

  • Description
  • How does it work?
  • Types
  • PKNIC Renewal Cards
  • Our Services
  • Conclusion


You will use this name to speak about your company immediately and tell your customers who you are and what you do. Likewise, it can support your clients with their company, or you can create a connection that connects your name with your company by creating a specific name. This is the URL address of any website that runs on the internet and search engine. All sites need to firs get this URL address for registering and uploading onto the server and internet. These names are generate by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Typically, name registrars who are selling their services to the public handle the registration of such names.

How does it works?

These names are simply a way to remember specific IP addresses. You will like the full IP address to be entered in the user address bar without a name. So get easy remember Domain is used in the latest world. A registrant of the name must register with a registrar accredited by the ICANN to reserve this address. This determines that a name may be licensed and generates a WHOIS log containing information about the name registrant. These names may also be registered through resellers of a registrar. In Pakistan, many resellers who are providing registration facility to all around the country. All addresses associate with the hosting server and then DNS attached the address and server to run your website all around the world.


Many kinds of names are available in Pakistan. Everyone can select your desire name according to the required extension. These are available at low-cost prices. Furthermore, for registration in Pakistan has latest TLDs like .com, .net, .org, .info, .us, .biz, .co, are available at the lowest prices. Similarly, for running a country-based business.Pk is the best option. Because CcTLDs hits more than the market except for TLDs. PKNIC is registering the authority of registration of all.Pk addresses. PKNIC contain the.PK with.COM., .NET., ORG., FAM., BIZ., WEB., EDU., GOV., .GOB., .GOG., .GKP., .GOP., .GOS., .GOK. and all country-based registration.

PKNIC Authority

In the. PK ccTLD (country Top, PKNIC provides domain names. Similarly, domain names such as .pk, .,,,, and the numerous governmental subdomains such as are owned by PKNIC Registries.


For the 2-year renewal of your .pk domain, PKNIC cards will be used. The PKNIC prepaid cards are sold by individual PKNIC retailers. Using prepaid card codes that are based on (ten to 12 digits), you can apply the credit to your balance. It can be a healthy buy and scratched for the entire PKNIC domain necessity. Each card is usable for 2 years to register and renew.

Pk-Domain Services

Pk-Domain provides all kinds of registration in Pakistan. We are the top reseller for registering your desires. All TLDs, ccTLDs, gTLDs are available at a very cheap price. As well as our company is one of the top resellers and an old partner of PKNIC, which deals in the registration of. Pk. Together with us, you can avail of the easy and cheap facility for Domain and web hosting too. Comparatively, Our company has very cheap cost plans from others.


Domain registration is the first and most important part of the website running. All web address contains URLs that depends on your desire names. Everyone can buy that name according to his choice and business requirements. Likewise, Pk-domain is the most responsible organization for registering and hosting your registration and hosting name servers.

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