For starting of middle level and low customer response sites, many businesses used shared web hosting for just uploading their site on the internet. They have just need to see their website onto the web channel. That’s why they need to be shared hosting for web hosting. Shared hosting is the hosting in which you can run your website with low traffic usage and other limited resources. But with the passage of time businesses feel to expand their website with the highest traffic usage and all high server features. Because with shared hosting you cannot manage your website with extra usage and uploads. For this time of situation, businesses move to VPS Server with Pakistan IP for managing websites with unlimited resources. VPS hosting can expand your website with all kinds of updated web features and bandwidth. With our VPS hosting you have no need to worry about your website interruption and delay.
- How VPS differ from Shared Hosting?
- Advantages of VPS Server
- What about its cost?
- Our services
- Conclusion
VPS vs Shared Hosting
In a shared server, your website used the same server as many websites used this server. Shared hosting provides shared resources except for independent resources. In shared hosting, many users utilized the same server resources. One shared server can hosts hundreds of websites in a single server. Furthermore, VPS hosting uses one single server resource to host a single site. In this server, every single client utilized his server resources for managing and running a website. VPS hosting is a customized option with the opportunity to modify and work better. No one can interrupt your site with running resources. It will make sure your website move forward and secure with extra RAM, Bandwidth, CPU cores, Unlimited email accounts, and much more.
Advantages Of VPS Server
A VPS means that your business is separate from other customers, unlike shared hosting plans, in which thousands, if not hundreds of people use the same domain as your enterprise. Your organization will make the necessary improvements in functionality inside the system easily by using a VPS. You may be able to forecast how much traffic your website will receive if you own small businesses and do not have plans to expand. However, if you want to grow your business, it’s likely that your customer base will increase, and you will require a server to accommodate that. With an easy control panel, everyone can easily manage their hosting account.
Cost Of VPS Server
VPS hosting is not likely shared hosting it is better to approach for hosting with high web features. Its cost differs from shared hosting because of its resources. Our company provides affordable and meaningful rates for VPS server hosting. You can easily manage your high traffic website with the cheapest and low price monthly VPS packages. Our prices are very cheap from others.
Our Services
PK Domain is providing the basic and business packages for windows as well as Linux VPS Hosting in Pakistan with minimum cost and cheap monthly price. We have the latest servers with ultra-high hosting features. our data centers are located in secure and warm free infrastructure. Our security standards meet all international security procedures. We provide different kinds of VPS hosting plans as per our customer demand and need. We have a minimum of 300GB to unlimited storage space for single server usage. Our VPS server relies on unlimited RAM, Disk Space, unlimited bandwidth, and all server features. For managing your hosting account we have managed and unmanaged plans as per your required services we are available 24/7 with our technical team.
Consequently, VPS hosting is the best and reliable web hosting service. Anyone can expand server resources as per need. VPS server has all physical private server resources for single client usage. No one can interrupt server resources and traffic. Likewise, VPS provides all independent server features to all websites.